
Dains performs financial due diligence on a re-finance of existing debts for a client of RBS.

Dains performed financial due diligence on an existing client to support a re-finance of its existing debts, with the Royal Bank of Scotland providing the client with a new £3.2million facility.


Richard McNeilly

Deal summary

Dains performed financial due diligence on an existing client to support a re-finance of its existing debts, with the Royal Bank of Scotland providing the client with a new £3.2million facility.

Dains performed a limited scope due diligence assignment which included a review of the current year trading, the latest available balance sheet and a 3 year forecast including a review of the proposed re-finance and confirmation that the new facilities had been correctly incorporated into the forecast model.

The difference we made

Roy Farmer and Rob Wilson were tasked with providing financial due diligence on a specific limited scope to cover only the key areas agreed with RBS. Whilst our investigations were in the main limited to the current year, we extended the scope backwards to cover a longer historic period where required to fully understand the key trends.